
Beginnings - 1865

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Beginnings - 1865

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( Click Photo)  In 1865, William Booth, an ordained minister with the Methodist New Connection, along with his wife Catherine, formed an evangelical group which preached to unchurched people living in appalling poverty within London's East End.

Booth's ministry recognized the interdependence of material, emotional, and spiritual needs. In addition to preaching the gospel, Booth became involved in the feeding and shelter of the hungry and homeless and in alcohol rehabilitation.

Booth's ministry originally known as the Christian Mission, became The Salvation Army in 1878 when that organization evolved on a quasi-military pattern. Booth became "the General" and officers' ranks were given to ministers.

The Salvation Army has functioned successfully within that unusual structure for more than a century. Its outreach has been expanded to include 106 countries and the Gospel is preached by its officers and soldiers in 160 languages.

The basic social services developed by William Booth have remained an outward visible expression of the Army's strong religious principles. In addition, new programs that address contemporary needs have been established.

Among these are disaster relief services, day care centers, summer camps, holiday assistance, services for senior citizens, housing for the homeless, family and career counseling, correctional services, and drug rehabilitation.

Further information about the Salvation Army History can be found at 
The Salvation Army's International Headquarters web site
as well as further Southern Territorial History at

The Salvation Army Southern Historical Center ,
 a museum and research facility located on the campus of:
The Salvation Army College for Officer Training
1032 Stewart Avenue, S. W.
Atlanta, GA 30310


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  Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center, Tampa, Florida
Last modified: August 11, 1999